Monday, August 19, 2013

Fashion and Politics

Dressing up is empowering one's self. Under dressing is, well my dears, something else. Look at Ms. Hillary Clinton in her "signature power suit" as's compilation of women power dressers calls Ms. Clinton's favorite garb.

In the Middle East, a woman leader Hatshepsut wore a man's garments to highlight and define the power she wielded.

Click here to read more on's women power dressers.

The USIP (USA Institute of Peace) makes interesting insights into the youth in Iran and the way Iranian youth fashion becomes a political expression. USIP's article is in three parts:

Part I. Youth in Iran: Determinators
Part II. Youth in Iran: Parkour fever
Part III. Youth in Iran: The Politics of Fashion

In these times, you need to express yourself politically. Hold your head up, point your chin high. Dress for power, do nothing less.